Example of Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of reaction in Langmuir binary gas

Download latest version here: test_kmc_binary_gas.py.

import numpy as np
from susmost.mc import metropolis
from susmost.mc.metropolis import kmc_step, kmc_rate
from susmost import make_single_point_zmatrix, make_square_plane_cell, \
        normal_lattice_task, nearest_int, SiteStateType, register_property, sitestate, mc
from time import time
from math import exp

register_property('coverage_A','==', None, sitestate.join_cover)        # counter for molecule A coverage
register_property('coverage_B','==', None, sitestate.join_cover)        # counter for molecule B coverage
sitestate.SPMI_db['coverage'].merge_func = None  # prevent merging of occupied and empty states due to equal lateral interactions

def binary_gas_KMC(rnd_seed, muA, muB, eAA, eBB, diff_Ea, react_Ea, Temperature):
                Do KMC simulation for a binary gas with symmetric lateral interactions between nearest neighbors.

                        :rnd_seed: random seed
                        :muA: chemical potential of type A molecules
                        :muB: chemical potential of type B molecules
                        :eAA: lateral interaction energy between type A molecules
                        :eBB: lateral interaction energy between type B molecules
                        :diff_Ea: diffusion barrier for A and B molecules
                        :react_Ea: activation energy for A + B reaction
                        :Temperature: temperature in k_B units
                        Tuple of three elements: (A coverage, B coverage, number of reactions)
        INF_E  = 1E6 # prohibitive energy level
        #k_B = 8.3144598E-3 # kJ/(mol*K)
        #k_B = 0.000086 # eV
        k_B = 1.0
        beta = 1.0 / (k_B * Temperature)
        a = 1.0 # lattice parameter
        r_cut_off= 1.0 + .0001
        dop_int = {('molecule_A','molecule_B'):0.0,('molecule_A','molecule_A'):eAA,('molecule_B','molecule_B'):eBB}
        lateral_interactions = lambda cc1,cc2: nearest_int(cc1,cc2,dop_int=dop_int)

        #cell,atoms = make_struct.make_hexagonal_plane_cell(a)
        cell,atoms = make_square_plane_cell(a)

        empty_state = SiteStateType('Empty',make_single_point_zmatrix(), 0.0, ['H'], coverage=0., coverage_A=0., coverage_B=0.)
        molA_state = SiteStateType('molecule_A', make_single_point_zmatrix(), -1., ['N'], coverage=1., coverage_A=1., coverage_B=0.)
        molB_state = SiteStateType('molecule_B', make_single_point_zmatrix(), 0.0, ['O'], coverage=1., coverage_A=0., coverage_B=1.)

        lt = normal_lattice_task([empty_state, molA_state, molB_state], cell, atoms, lateral_interactions, r_cut_off, INF_E)
        assert lt.states_count == 3, lt
        lt.set_ads_energy('molecule_A', muA)
        lt.set_ads_energy('molecule_B', muB)

        empty_idx = lt.find_state_index('name','Empty')
        A_idx = lt.find_state_index('name','molecule_A')
        B_idx = lt.find_state_index('name','molecule_B')

        m = mc.make_metropolis(lt, 24, Temperature, k_B, seed=int(rnd_seed))

        ads_des_rate = kmc_rate(1, 0, 1)
        diff_rate = kmc_rate(1, diff_Ea, 1)
        react_rate = kmc_rate(1, react_Ea, 0)
        all_rates = []
        all_rates.append(ads_des_rate.calc(beta, muA)) # dH=muA
        all_rates.append(ads_des_rate.calc(beta, -muA)) # dH=muA
        all_rates.append(ads_des_rate.calc(beta, muB)) # dH=muB
        all_rates.append(ads_des_rate.calc(beta, -muB)) # dH=muB
        all_rates.append(diff_rate.calc(beta, 0)) # dH=0
        all_rates.append(react_rate.calc(beta, 0)) # dH=0
        r0 = max(all_rates)
        #print(all_rates, beta)

        m.add_singe_site_step(empty_idx, kmc_step(ads_des_rate, A_idx, -1, 0))  # A adsorption
        m.add_singe_site_step(empty_idx, kmc_step(ads_des_rate, B_idx, -1, 0))  # B adsorption
        m.add_singe_site_step(A_idx, kmc_step(ads_des_rate, empty_idx, -1, 0))  # A desorption
        m.add_singe_site_step(B_idx, kmc_step(ads_des_rate, empty_idx, -1, 0))  # B desorption

        for ei in m.regr.nn_edges_range():      # nearest neighbors in all directions
                m.add_pair_step(empty_idx, ei, A_idx, kmc_step(diff_rate, A_idx, empty_idx, 0)) # A diffusion
                m.add_pair_step(A_idx, ei, empty_idx, kmc_step(diff_rate, empty_idx, A_idx, 0)) # A diffusion
                m.add_pair_step(empty_idx, ei, B_idx, kmc_step(diff_rate, B_idx, empty_idx, 0)) # B diffusion
                m.add_pair_step(B_idx, ei, empty_idx, kmc_step(diff_rate, empty_idx, B_idx, 0)) # B diffusion

                m.add_pair_step(A_idx, ei, B_idx, kmc_step(react_rate, empty_idx, empty_idx, 1)) # A + B reaction
                m.add_pair_step(B_idx, ei, A_idx, kmc_step(react_rate, empty_idx, empty_idx, 1)) # B + A reaction (same as above)

        m.params_log_period = 100       # log parameters each 100 steps
        mc.run(m, 100, 100000)          # do 100 iterations of 100000 steps each, saving surface snapshots in traj*.xyz file
        #mc.stat_digest(m)                      # print detailed statistics about logged parameters

        assert m.kmc_max_r0 <= r0, f"Selected r0 = {r0} turned to be exceeded by rate = {m.kmc_max_r0}"
        A_cov_idx = m.param_idx('coverage_A')
        B_cov_idx = m.param_idx('coverage_B')
        means = np.mean(m.params_log, axis=0)   # mean values of all parameters
        return means[A_cov_idx], means[B_cov_idx], m.kmc_counters[1].accept

Ts = np.arange(.1, 3+1e-9, 0.1)
R = []
for T in Ts:
        res = binary_gas_KMC(time(),    -1., 0.0,    0.0, 1e-9,    0.0, 0.0, T) # 1e-9 - hack to prevent dropping of all lattice edges :-(, TODO: fix it
        print (T, *res)

print ("\nFinal result:\nT covA covB Rate")
for T, res in zip(Ts, R):
        print (T, *res)

Result plot: