Example of hard disk model script : transfer-matrix and tensor renormalization group methods

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt, log
from susmost import make_single_point_zmatrix, make_triangular_Oxy_plane_cell_neg, \
normal_lattice_task, SiteStateType, nearest_int, joined_cells_lattice_task,transferm, tensors, make_tensor,solve_TRG
import os
from scipy.misc import derivative
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from time import time

INF_E = 1E6                       # prohibitive energy level
k_B = 1.0                         # 1/(kT)=1
T = 1.0                           # 1/(kT)=1
a = 1.0                           # lattice parameter
r_cut_off = 8.0 + .0001

cell,atoms = make_triangular_Oxy_plane_cell_neg(a)

#warious types of NN models

#h  = a * 0.5           * 1.001/2.0 # 0NN radius
h  = a * 1.             * 1.001/2.0 # 1NN radius
#h = a * 3.**.5         * 1.001/2.0 # 2NN radius
#h = a * 2.             * 1.001/2.0 # 3NN radius
#h = a * 7.**.5         * 1.001/2.0 # 4NN radius
#h = a * 3.             * 1.001/2.0 # 5NN radius
join_x = 1
join_y = 1

#interaction function
interaction = lambda cc1,cc2: nearest_int(cc1, cc2, h=h)

mono_state = SiteStateType('mono', make_single_point_zmatrix(), -1, ['N'], coverage=1.)
empty_state = SiteStateType('Empty',make_single_point_zmatrix(), 0.0, ['H'],coverage=0.)
lt = normal_lattice_task([mono_state, empty_state], cell, atoms, interaction, r_cut_off, INF_E)
lt = joined_cells_lattice_task(lt, [join_x, join_y])

#Build W tensor
def build_W(mu, T):
        beta = 1. / (k_B * T)
        lt.set_ads_energy('mono', mu)
        W = make_tensor(lt, beta,scheme = "generic")
        return W

#Grand potential calculation by transfer-matrix method
def GrandPotential_TM(mu,T,M):
        W = build_W(mu, T)
        beta = 1. / (k_B * T)
        tm_sol = transferm.solve_TM(W, M)
        GP = -log(tm_sol.lr)/beta/M
        print ('TM', "M", M, 'mu', mu, 'GP', GP)
        return GP/(join_x*join_y)

#Grand potential calculation by TRG
def GrandPotential_TRG(mu, T, D):
        W = build_W(mu, T)
        lnZ = solve_TRG(W,contractions_count = 512, max_n = D)
        GP = -k_B*T*lnZ
        print ('TRG', "D", D, 'mu', mu, 'GP', GP)
        return GP/(join_x*join_y)

#Density calculation by TM method
def density_TM(mu, T, M):
        density = derivative(lambda x: GrandPotential_TM(x, T, M), mu, n=1, dx=0.0001)
        print ("M", M, "mu", mu, "density", density)
        return density

#Heat capacity calculation by TM method
def heat_cap_TM(mu, T, M):
        HC = derivative(lambda x: GrandPotential_TM(mu, x, M), T, n=2, dx=0.0001)
        print ("TM", "M", M, "mu", mu, "HC", HC)
        return HC

#Density calculation by TRG method
def density_TRG(mu, T, D):
        density = derivative(lambda x: GrandPotential_TRG(x, T, D), mu, n=1, dx=0.0001)
        print ("TRG", "D", D, "mu", mu, "density", density)
        return density

#Heat capacity calculation by TRG method
def heat_cap_TRG(mu, T, D):
        HC =    derivative(lambda x: GrandPotential_TRG(mu, x, D), T, n=2, dx=0.0001)
        print ("TRG", "D", D, "mu", mu, "HC", HC)
        return HC

#find critical chemical potential by TRG method
if False:
        prev = None
        for D in range(16, 17,5):
                opt_res = minimize_scalar(lambda mu: heat_cap_TRG(mu, T, D=D), bounds=(-2.5, -2.4), method='bounded', tol=0.00001)
                omu = opt_res.x
                print ("ISO TRG", "D",D, "omu", omu, (log(abs(prev -omu)) if prev is not None else ""))
                prev = omu

#find critical chemical potential by TM method
if False:
        prev = None
        for M in range(9, 16):
                t0 = time()
                opt_res = minimize_scalar(lambda mu: heat_cap_TM(mu, T,M=M), bounds=(-2.5, -2.4), method='bounded', tol=0.00001)
                omu = opt_res.x
                print ("ISO TM", "M", M*join_y, "omu", omu, (log(abs(prev -omu)) if prev is not None else ""))
                prev = omu

#calculate density or/and entropy and heat capacity curves
if True:
        GrandPotential_function = GrandPotential_TRG                                             #calculation method
        Entropy_and_heat_capacity = False                                                        #calculation entropy and heat capacity.
        dmu = 0.0001                                                                             #differentiation step for chemical potential
        dT = 0.0001                                                                              #differentiation step for temperature
        calc_param = 16                                                                          #calculation parametr of method. D for TRG and M for TM.
        for mu in np.arange(-8.0,8.0001,0.1):                                                    #chemical potential for investigation
                GP_dmu = []
                for dop_mu in np.arange(mu-dmu,mu+dmu+1e-5,2.0*dmu):
                density = (GP_dmu[1]-GP_dmu[0])/(dmu*2.0)                                           #first derivative of grand partition on chemical potential
                GP_dT = []
                if Entropy_and_heat_capacity :
                        for dop_T in np.arange(T-dT,T+dT+1e-5,dT):
                        entropy = -(-0.5*GP_dT[0]+0.5*GP_dT[2])/dT                                      #first derivative of grand partition on temperature
                        heat_capacity = -(GP_dT[0]-2.0*GP_dT[1]+GP_dT[2])/(dT**2)                       #second derivative of grand partition on temperature
                        print ("ISO mu", -mu," GP", GP_dT[1],"density", density,"entropy", entropy,"heat_capacity",heat_capacity)
                        print ("ISO mu", -mu, "density=",density)